»The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.«
(H. P. Lovecraft)
Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890 — 1937) is considered as one of the leading writers of dark and horror fiction of the 20th century. He died at the age of 47 leaving only a small body of literary work. Yet his influence on various genres like horror, fantasy and science fiction can hardly be overestimated. The number of Lovecraft-related projects in art, music, games, movies etc. is enourmously growing. And one of these projects is called ARKHAM ANGST! — a combination of weird sounds and illustrations based on the stories of H. P. Lovecraft.

The Dreams in the Witch House
Note: Please listen with headphones or in stereo
Our spoken word artist Koert did a great job introducing this disturbing short story that mixes traditional horror motives with pledges of science. "The Dreams in the Witch House", a homage to the ancient town of Arkham, was written in early 1932 and first published in the July 1933 issue of "Weird Tales".
More info: The Dreams in the Witch House (and full album) at Bandcamp

The Temple
Note: Please listen with headphones or in stereo
The piece starts with Kaiser Wilhelm's fatal public adress "An das deutsche Volk" (To the German people) from August 6, 1914. The following words are the opening lines as told by narrator Karl Heinrich, Graf von Altberg-Ehrenstein.
More info: The Temple (and full album) at Bandcamp